People workspace

People in Footlight and are entities that are uniquely identifiable and machine readable. This means a person's details only have to be added once. The person is then available for reuse anywhere you need it.

When you need to add a person to an event in the Footlight CMS (for example, as a performer), you can retrieve them from without having to reenter details, or, if the person doesn't exist, create them from scratch.

Because Footlight and Artsdata are connected, people in the Footlight CMS can be linked to their equivalents in (or added as new persons in Artsdata). When you add enriching information to a person in Footlight, it can be made available for reuse by the larger Artsdata community.

View, add and edit a person's details in the People workspace.

To add a person:

  1. In the left navigation, Click People to go to the People workspace.

  2. Click the + Person button. TIP: Before adding the person, search your People list to make sure you don't already have them.

  3. In New Person, Enter the name of the person in the Linked data field. If the person's name already exists in or in Footlight, it will be displayed in the dropdown.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If the right person is listed, select it.

    • If the person is not listed, click + Create at the bottom of the list. The person details view opens.

  5. Fill in the details and click Save.

Last updated